Dr. Noelannah Neubauer – Alumni Builder Reward Recipient

Congratulations to HEAL alumnus, Dr. Noelannah Neubauer on receiving a UBC Alumni Builder Award! Noelannah Neubauer is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculty of Health at the University of Waterloo and is in her final year of the occupational therapy program at the University of Alberta. She completed her PhD at the University of Alberta August 2019 under the supervision of Dr. Lili Liu, where she developed a framework and guideline to manage the risks associated with critical dementia-related wandering. Her current research focuses on devising and advocating for solutions that balance risk and autonomy for persons with dementia that are at risk of getting lost and going missing. She is also the co-founder of the International Consortium on Dementia and Wayfinding, the co-founder of OTech Canada. She was first introduced to research during her BHK and MSc at UBCO. She worked under Dr. Jennifer Jakobi and Dr. Gareth Jones and it was their passion for research in gerontology that continues to drive her to new heights in both academic and clinical settings.